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PeaceBridges -Dances of Universal Peace



From the beginning of time humans have gathered to express their deepest joys and sorrows through community, dance and song. We affirm and embrace this tradition as we join hands and move together in rhythm, using chants from the world's great spiritual traditions.


The Dances were begun by Sufi Mystic – Samuel Lewis, as a method to illuminate the UNITY of religious ideas and to forge a community of remembrance where song, dance and fellowship carry us back to our brotherhood/sisterhood in UNION with our Divine Nature.   The Dances use simple music, lyrics, and movements to touch the spiritual essence within and without. No musical or dance experience is required and everyone is welcomed to join in.


Participation, not presentation, is the focus. We join hands forming a circle. The leader teaches the words, melody, and movements.


These movements and songs include themes of peace, healing, and the celebration of life's great mysteries. Dancers focus on peace and harmony creating a sense of solidarity and community while celebrating the underlying unity of all the spiritual traditions of the Earth. By experiencing these many traditions, a greater understanding and appreciation of other cultures, as well as one's own heritage, is gained.


The mood of the Dances is infinitely variable, evoking feelings of love, joy, and compassion. Whether invoking the compassion of the Buddhist Qwan Yin, celebrating the playful energy of Krishna, or experiencing the related emotion of any other spiritual figure, dancers take part in a dynamic relationship between the group, individuals, and the self.

Our COVID Policy is here.                                 Please stay tuned as it will shift as conditions change.



Yasmin Haut | Camp Hill, PA | | 717-329-2133



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